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Red-tailed Hawk


  • Among largest hawk species native to MD

  • Diurnal carnivore with a varied diet.

  • Numerous adaptations for daytime living.

  • A large impressive raptor.

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Eastern Screech Owl


  • Smallest year round species native to MD

  • Nocturnal carnivore with a varied diet.

  • Numerous adaptations for nocturnal living.

  • Large attitude in small body.

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American Kestrel


  • Smallest falcon species in North America (Native to MD)

  • Diurnal bird of prey/carnivore with a varied diet,

  • Numerous adaptations for nocturnal living.

  • Speedy hunter.

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Rock Pigeon


  • AKA: city doves, city pigeons

  • May be the 1st domesticated bird

  • Numerous adaptations for diurnal living.

  • Have been in North America since 1606, originally native to Eurasia and northern Africa

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