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We have over 100 animal ambassadors in our care, so the entries below do not yet comprise a complete list. Click on the image to see more about our ambassadors. Most of them come from wildlife rescues and animal shelters. Thus they are either native wildlife that for some reason could not be returned to the wild or were once someone's pet. The goal is to provide these individuals with a second chance and to make a difference by representing their wild cousins through our educational programs. Even after they retire from educational work they remain with us for the rest of their days. Please consider becoming a donor/member to help support our "wild staff".



Click image to see our furry friends


Reptiles/Lizards - Coming Soon

Click image to see our scaly ambassadors


Invertebrates - Coming Soon

Click image to see our hard shelled heroes

RTH 9.jpeg


Click image to see our feathered fliers


Reptiles/Snakes - Coming Soon

Click image to see our scaly ambassadors


Reptiles/Turtles - Coming Soon

Click image to see our scaly ambassadors

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Amphibians - Coming Soon

Click image to see our masters of change

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