Early Childhood (Daycare) Programs
Echoes Of Nature has school programs that are specially designed with the Next Generation Science Standards and State Curriculum correlated into the presentations that include the Environmental Literacy standards for a classroom or auditorium. The instructor introduces your class to natural science topics through the use of live animals, high interest demonstrations and biofacts. Echoes Of Nature is your in-house field trip. Participation of students is encouraged during each program.
There are also programs that are designed for younger participants that introduce them to animals and beginning learning concepts. These programs also have live animals, demonstrations and biofacts. Active participation is also encouraged.
If a special topic program is desired but not listed or not under your grade, please call and see if one can be designed to meet your needs. This may need to be done at least two weeks to two months in advance in order to fully design and prepare.
Information and Fees (2024-2025 School Year)
Length of Session: approximately 45 minutes (Sessions for younger participants can be at 30 minutes. Ask about options.)
Number of Students: 45 maximum
Enrichment Programs: $200.00 for one program + $190 per additional same day program
$25 or $35 driving fee for areas beyond 20 mile radius (PG and AA counties are within radius)
Live Virtual All Programs: $150 per program
Pricing Pre-Recorded: $275
Program List
Note, not all of the animals shown below are our ambassadors.
Warm and Fuzzy: Ages 2-3
Wanting to introduce your group to animals up close, but would like to start with the warm and fuzzies? Meet some of our touchable fuzzies. This program is only available for this age group.
Special program: Session time is 20 minutes. Cost $95.
Animal Stories of Japan: Ages 2-K
Engage in folktales of Ancient Japan. Meet some of the principal players in each story and find out some interesting facts. There will be 2-3 stories presented based upon age and number of participants.
Animal Stories of (you pick the country): Ages 2-K
Are you planning a special topic of a country? Add in animal stories with a live animal guest(s). Call about availability. Currently available: Japan, China, Australia, Native North American
Domestic Rabbit
Rabbits make a perfect first encounter for children. These cousins of Maryland's Eastern Cottontail have been a part of EON since our founding in 2002.
A Walk In The Woods: Ages 2-K
Let’s go for a “walk” in the woods. What kind of animals might we see or hear? What might we find that used to belong to animals? Meet some live animals that would live in or around the woods. (This program can be modified to fit the season or a different habitat, such as rainforest, bay, etc. Ask about options.)
Animal Sounds and Movement: Ages 3-Pre-K (SC program)
What animal sounds can you make? Can you move like these animals? Meet some live animals and try out their sounds and movements.
Day and Night: Ages 3-K (SC program)
Why do we have day and night? Which animals are diurnal and nocturnal? What are we? Activities and live animals will help us solve these questions.
White Tail Deer
Take an imaginary journey through the woods and discuss some of the species you will find such as deer. Then meet some of the ambassadors who call this home.
Note, the male deer pictured here has a genetic defect that resulted in the malformed antlers.
Fur and Scales: Ages 3-K
Doing a unit on mammals and reptiles? Why not have live guests come and show off some of their characteristics? Learn some neat natural history facts about each one.
As The Wheel Turns: Pre-K & K (SC program)
Learning about lifecycles in class? Meet with some of our animal ambassadors and learn about their cycles. Help put the lifecycle wheels together for each ambassador.
How Seeds Travel: Pre-K & K
How do plant seeds get to different places? By air, water, wind and animal express. Let’s explore the different ways of travel and meet some guests that will help explain the wonders of seed travel.
Black Rat Snake
This is one of the most common and largest snake species native to Maryland. Dispel the myths and misinformation about these important creatures. Find out there is nothing to fear when snakes are treated with respect.
Ugh! A bug! (or is it Ooh, Cool!): Pre-K & K (SC program)
Discover the world of bugs. “Bugs” are everywhere. But what is a bug? Does it have 6 or 8 legs? Or more? Meet some “bugs” and use your detective skills to figure out if it is an insect or an arachnid.
Animal Textures and Colors: Pre-K & K (SC program)
Discover the amazing world of animal textures and colors. Be an animal detective and meet some live animals to figure out if the animals are rough or smooth. What colors are the animals? Do they have stripes or spots?
Journey Into Winter: Pre-K-2 (SC program)
Winter is here. Where are the animals? How do they survive the cold, foodless winters? Some migrated. Some are dozing. Some are true hibernators. Meet some animals and find out where they would be during winter.
Virginia Opossum
An often misunderstood species that is really a marvel of the animal world. Learn about these unique animals through our ambassadors. Just one of the potential species your class will meet.
Animals of Maryland: Grade K (SC program)
Meet some native live animals that can be found in Maryland. Learn basic differences between animal body coverings. Observe and touch certain animals.
Bay BC’s: Grade K (SC program)
Explore the rich variety of life that fills our Chesapeake Bay. On our journey meet some animals that might be found here. Learn simple ways to protect the Bay’s fragile environment.