Become A Member Today!
Echoes Of Nature is a non-profit education organization whose mission is to bring people of all ages back in touch with the natural world to promote understanding and stewardship. This is done through our nature themed programs which feature live animal ambassadors. Most of which are species native to the mid-Atlantic, that we have adopted from wildlife rescues and animal shelters.
We have in our care over 100 animal ambassadors that include mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and invertebrates. These are the true stars of our programs and once adopted remain with us for the rest of their lives.
This is where Echoes of Nature needs your help! Taking great care of so many animals is expensive, and you can make a difference by becoming a member today. Your tax-deductible donation will go towards supporting our ever-aging roster of ambassadors. These include as of 2020 Blizzard our 21 year old red-tailed hawk, Renji the 10 year old rabbit, and Blink the 20 year old leopard gecko.
Memberships start at $20 and can be done by downloading the membership flyer from the button here and mailing it with a check to the address provided. Another option is to use the donate button at the top of the page. As our way of saying thanks, any program booked by a member will receive a 10% discount. This way you can meet in person some of the animals that your contribution goes to help.