Animal Ambassadors
We have over 100 animal ambassadors in our care, so the entries below do not yet comprise a complete list. Most of them come from wildlife rescues and animal shelters. Thus they are either native wildlife that for some reason could not be returned to the wild or were once someone's pet. The goal is to provide these individuals with a second chance and to make a difference by representing their wild cousins through our educational programs. Even after they retire from educational work they remain with us for the rest of their days. Please consider becoming a donor/member to help support our "retired staff".
Eastern Screech Owl
Among the smallest species of owl native to Maryland.
Nocturnal carnivore with a varied diet.
Numerous adaptations for nighttime living.
A good introduction to raptors.
Not Touchable
Eastern Screech Owl
Among the smallest species of owl native to Maryland.
Nocturnal carnivore with a varied diet.
Numerous adaptations for nighttime living.
A good introduction to raptors.
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Eastern Box Turtle
These crepuscular land turtles are omnivores.
Their shells have a hinge allowing them to close up completely for protection.
They can really move when a worm is spotted.
Virginia Opossum
North America only native marsupial.
Nocturnal omnivore with a prehensile tail.
Many adaptations make them a fascinating ambassador.
Red-tailed Hawk
Among the largest species of hawk native to Maryland.
Diurnal carnivore with a varied diet.
Numerous adaptations for daytime living.
A large impressive raptor.
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Crested Gecko
From New Caledonia in the southwest Pacific.
Until 1994 thought extinct.
These nocturnal omnivores can climb any surface.
Excellent leapers!
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Rabbit (Domestic)
They are lagomorphs which are among oldest mammalian groups.
Great 1st encounter species.
Crepuscular herbivore.
Front incisors never stop growing.
White's Tree Frog
Among largest tree frog species in the world.
Nocturnal carnivore.
Native to Australia.
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American Toad
Nocturnal carnivorous amphibian.
Common native of Maryland.
Toads are more terrestrial than frogs
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Blue Tongue Skink
Among the larger of skink species in world.
Diurnal omnivore with a large diet
Native to Australia
Red-footed Tortoise
Our largest turtle/tortoise
Diurnal omnivore with a large diet
Native to South America.
Great for large crowds.
Bearded Dragon
Native lizard of Australia.
Diurnal omnivore with rough scales.
Very relaxed species.
Great for first lizard encounters.
Common Snapping Turtle
Found in fresh water throughout Maryland.
Long neck stretches out about 2/3 shell length.
Ambush hunter.
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Emperor, Asian Forest, or Red-Claw scorpion.
Nocturnal carnivorous arachnids.
Possesses non-lethal venom to most people.
Stays in clear travel box.
Not Touchable
Black Rat Snake
One of Maryland largest and most common species.
Diurnal carnivore who controls rodent populations.
Great first snake encounter.